
  • Initiatives toward green transition

    Initiatives toward a green transition at municipality and school levels in the city of Sønderborg, Denmark In the February meeting of the Train2Sustain project, EUC Syd, Denmark presented their take on sustainability and illustrated with a few examples how this large concept, to which everybody can contribute in their own way, is integrated in the school’s educational program and strategic agenda. As the largest vocational school in Southern Denmark with its administrative seat placed in the city of Sønderborg and as an educational institution with a green agenda, EUC Syd is a main partner to the innovative initiative called ProjectZero.

  • The importance of Education in Sustainable Development

    These days we often hear about the state of the environment, in particular the global risks that are intensifying from day to day. Extreme weather events, natural disasters, as well as man-made ones, are some catastrophic examples that have led to the loss of biodiversity, the collapse of the ecosystems, as well as the scarcity of natural resources that consequently jeopardize the planet’s sustainability.

  • Kick-off meeting of Train2Sustain

    Train2Sustain developing capacity to teach sustainability in VET 28-29.1.2021 Welcome on board to our freshly started project! We are all very excited to start this project, getting to know each other and to learn about sustainability and circular economy combined with Lean principles. We have a great project group that together will collect and share knowledge from our own countries, regions, schools and from different industries. This we will pass on to our co-workers and later also to the students by the innovative training program that we will create during the project.