Electronic Toolbox
In this Electronic toolbox you find 12 different activities to facilitate the learning in the theory package.
Below you find the description of each activity and you can download the instructions and the material as a pdf-file.
Activity 01 – Sustainability Profiler / pdf
▪ Make sustainable choices amongst non-trivial sustainability issues
▪ Understand the complexity of sustainability
▪ Relate the effects of different choices in your life on sustainability
Activity 02 – A Day without Electricity / pdf
▪ Get an insight into the life of poor people
▪ Organize the learning without electricity
▪ Organize leisure time without electricity
▪ Further develop one’s competences in problem-solving
Activity 03 – My way to a more sustainable future / pdf
▪ Get to know the different SDG
▪ Understand how an individual (consumer) can affect sustainalibity
▪ Understand how sustainability can be affected by companies and by a
▪ Understand how sustainability can be affected at local, national,
European and global levels
Activity 04 – SDG upside down / pdf
▪ Explain different SDG
▪ Recognize factors and activities that harm our planet
▪ Identify possible solutions for promoting the SDG
Upside down annexes
Activity 05 – Sustainable SHARK TANK / pdf
▪ Gain a critical perspective that contributes to sustainability
▪ Find creative solutions for environmental problems
▪ Develop sustainable entrepreneurial and business skills
▪ Develop presentation and argumentation skills
▪ Plan and conduct an elevator pitch of product
▪ Develop a sustainable business plan
▪ Develop marketing materials for a sustainable product/service
▪ Develop teamwork skills
▪ Develop problem solving skills
Activity 06 – Sustainable occupations news / A report about sustainability / pdf
▪ Search news, articles or facts
▪ Write a posting, an article, or statement about sustainability about your
own occupation
▪ Use realiable sources
▪ Use some social media channel or website/blog
Activity 07 – Webpage of a company / pdf
▪ Giving the students the opportunity to investigate different approaches
to sustainability.
▪ Learn how sustainability is considered in the student own field.
▪ Possibilities for students to find out the different ways companies are
dealing with sustainability.
Activity 08 – Ecological footprint / pdf
▪ Understand the meaning of the concept of the ecological footprint.
▪ Understand how her/his actions cause ecological consumption and
burden for the environment.
Activity 09 – Lifecycle analysis / pdf
▪ Define life cycle for a product (or service).
▪ Understand the various phases a product (or service) goes through and
how much they consume raw materials, energy or water.
▪ Understand the elements of circular economy and how the chosen
product (or service) can be reused, recycled or repaired.
Activity 10 – Making products lifecycle more sustainable / pdf
▪ Explain what a product’s lifecycle is
▪ Identify actions to make the product’s lifecycle more sustainable
Annex – Lifecycle of a cotton t-shirt
– Information for students and for teachers
Activity 11 – Lean ballpoint pen game (sustainability version) / pdf
▪ Discover all 5 basic principles of LEAN thinking and working. Especially
the process is important in this game
▪ Know how to consider sustainable aspects in the work
▪ Understand a more efficient company can contribute to a better
▪ Understand how a more efficient company can contribute to a better
social environment.
Description of the game in a pdf-file
Description of the game on YouTube
Activity 12 – Waste analysis / .zip-file
▪ Identify wastes at work using the 8 wastes of Lean
▪ Relate the 8 wastes of Lean with environmental impacts
▪ Plan actions to reduce wastes and related environmental impacts